
Historical Buildings in Paris

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  • Enjoy culture your way

    The best experiences at museums and attractions worldwide

Hand-picked combinations

Combine Paris favorites. Some things are better together.


Opéra Garnier + Louvre Museum

Book once and enhance your experience with this convenient combination of 2 must sees

4.8 / 5 (16)
From HK$264.55 HK$251.32

All Historical Buildings in Paris


Sainte Chapelle

Stunning stained glass light fills this 13th century Parisian Gothic-style gem
4.8 / 5 (1612)
From HK$95.07


France's most enchanting burial place
4.8 / 5 (505)
From HK$95.07

Hôtel de la Marine

Tour the Hôtel de la Marine and visit the galleries of the Al Thani Collection
4.6 / 5 (403)
From HK$107.47

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